Previous Episode: Church - Audio

On Sunday, Pastor Jake introduced a new Great Oaks initiative called “Kingdom Builders”. Before he got into the nuts and bolts of that though, he taught on the concept of “the Kingdom of God”. Jesus taught on the Kingdom of God (or Heaven) more than any other topic. In our American culture, though, it can sometimes be difficult to understand the idea of a “kingdom”. Kingdom just means “the King’s domain.” So in one sense, everywhere is God’s Kingdom. It’s all His. But in another sense...not so much. Pastor Jake used the phrase “already, but not yet.” There is this cosmic war that started with Satan’s rebellion in heaven. God has already won that war. That happened on the cross. But the culmination (realization; manifestation) of His Kingdom will not take place until Jesus returns. Already...but not yet. The wide angle and the close-up. We live in between. The war is won, but the battle is still being fought from our perspective and souls hang in the balance. There are two kingdoms (Colossians 1:12-14): the dominion of darkness and the Kingdom of God’s Son. The Kingdom of God is not just something coming “one day”. Jesus said it’s upon us, near us, and among us.