Previous Episode: Plans - Audio

On Sunday, Pastor Jake wrapped up our “Neighboring” series with week 6 – Neighboring Church. We’ve talked over the last 5 weeks about taking the Great Commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves literally – to reach out to our actual neighbors individually. But what would it look like to not just be a neighboring person or family, but to be a neighboring church? What would it look like to do this individually and collectively (as Great Oaks)? After all, what is the true fruit of a church? Is it disciples or disciple-making churches? Just like God has sovereignly and providentially placed you and your family next to your neighbors, so has He placed us (as a church) next to our neighboring communities. These are towns and cities we currently out of our reach. God expects us to multiply – to reproduce ourselves in other communities in order to reach people in whose lives we currently have no influence. When we read the book of Acts, it becomes clear that this was God’s plan.