This week E+J sit down with Nicole Snell to talk about her experience with street harassment and her journey becoming a self-defense instructor and skilled solo adventurer. 

[Content Warning]: This is a podcast where survivors share stories of sexual assault, sexual violence, and r*pe. 

Nik describes starting on her journey of self-defense after play-wrestling with a partner and realizing when pinned to the floor, she wouldn’t know how to keep herself safe if it were real. That realization led her to immersion in self-defense. Nik also shares her love of the outdoors and how empowering it is to feel confident hiking and adventuring without having to rely on anyone else.

Survivor Nicole is the CEO of Girls Fight Back and is an International Speaker and self-defense instructor. Follow her at @adventuresofnik and @girlsfightback.

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Hosted by Johanna Middleton and Erica M. Hart

Edited by Erica M. Hart

Production Assistance by Ashley Nicole Adams

Theme Song by Nailah Hunter

Show logo by Brianna Guerra