Tabletop roleplaying games are a hot social activity. Many have played for decades, but some have always wanted to try but haven't found a group to join yet. This episode features a diverse crew of TTRPG experts answering your questions on everything from how to get started, how to make your games more inclusive, how to adapt your offline games to online AND recommend awesome games you haven't heard of yet (those may involve neither dungeons nor dragons). 

Jess Ross is an editor, writer, and podcaster. She plays D&D with the d20 Dames, a family-friendly actual play podcast  You can find all of Jess’ writing on their website

Mike Kelly is a cohost of the One Shot Test Kitchen podcast, which is a real-play podcast of different indie pen-and-paper RPGs. He is a game designer/writer and public speaker about games based out of Brooklyn

April-Lyn Caouette is a cohost of the One Shot Test Kitchen. She's a cofounder / Chief Resource Nerd at Love Thy Nerd, a nerd culture ministry that exists to love and serve their nerdy neighbors through thoughtful content, intentional community, and relational outreach.