“disrupting the idea of superhero vs super villains and more about what happens within any community”-- Music critic Matt Perpetua is writing about X-Men comics on his new site https://www.houseofx.org. He is also the sole writer of the independent music site Fluxblog since 2002, more recently expanding beyond the site itself to playlist curation on Spotify. In addition to the site, has also contributed to Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, NPR, and New York Magazine, and was the founding editor of BuzzFeed Music. 

Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/perpetua

His music blog http://www.fluxblog.org/ is a must read for anyone who loves music criticism.

For Matt's educational and electrifying playlists visit: https://open.spotify.com/user/123059001

Here's the Industrial one we spoke about: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/78IIa57I7SnB4AWrDsMtXH

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