Because of the current times we are living in, more and more people are turning to online grief support groups because they are open when most of the world has been in lockdown. While many are great places to go to find people who completely understand your grief and pain and offer you words of comfort, you need to make sure you are also finding support, encouragement and tools inside that group that can help you not only process the pain, but also lead you to hope and healing.

Too many times I have entered into these groups only to find people telling each other that life will forever be dark, that the pain is equal to the love you have for those you lost and that you are destined to live in the pain of grief for the rest of your life. 

Does that sound heavy or what?

These kinds of beliefs can not only hinder your growth but can make you lose hope that healing from your pain is possible. In this edition of the Graduating Grief Podcast, I talk about why finding positive grief support can be a place to tell your story, but also a place where other members encourage you to take steps toward healing. Is that breath of fresh air or what?

Take a listen and then I hope you will join us in our online Facebook Community called Graduating Grief- Loving your Life After Loss.


Sherrie Dunlevy- #Inspirationista, is a best selling author, speaker, podcast host. She is also the founder of the the "Graduating Grief Academy” and online support community.

Sherrie is on a mission to help grieving people step out of pain and step into living with purpose passion and joy.

Learn about the Graduating Grief Academy here:

To join the Graduating Grief positive support community Click here:

To find out if you are ready to graduate from the pain of your grief, take the free quiz:

To order a copy of her best selling book “How Can I Help?” go to

To invite Sherrie to speak at your next event, conference or to book a "How Can I Help?"- Workshop at your business, hospital or school, contact Sherrie at [email protected]