Stepping up to support a friend who is suffering is not always an easy thing to do. So many of us want to help but just aren't sure what is proper.

Proper isn't really what it's about. Caring, kindness and support is. That's why I loved talking to my guest Laura Prisc.

She started doing something to show love to a friend when they were miles away and now it has created a life of its own. Check out what she is doing in this latest episode of the Grief Anonymous Podcast.


Laura Prisc is a life and leadership coach that helps people make decisions that impact their lives and the lives of others. You can find out more about the work she does at

If you would like to get a copy of the vision exercise she talks about in this episode you can email her at : [email protected]


Sherrie Dunlevy-#Inspirationista is a best selling author, speaker and grief educator.  To order a copy of her book “How Can I Help?” go to  To invite Sherrie to speak at your next event, conference or to book a How Can I Help?- Workshop at your business, hospital or school, contact Sherrie at [email protected]  For more information on Grief Anonymous: