Hello and welcome to the 84th of the episode of the Graduate Job Podcast where I run through the 4 things you need to be doing before you start applying for a graduate scheme. I take you through my top tips to ensure that you get your graduate job applications off to a smooth start, and don’t fall for the common mistakes that applicants tend to make. Don’t worry if you have started applying already, as this is still an episode which you aren’t going to want to miss. Now the only link you need to remember from today is https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/planning, as that has all of the links to everything I discuss and a full transcript which you can download, so make sure you head on over there.

And don’t forget to check out today’s sponsor who are our friends over at CareerGym.comCareer Gym is the number one place for you to undertake all of your psychometric tests which you will face when you apply for a graduate job. No matter what graduate job you apply for you’re going to have to face some type of verbal reasoning, situational judgment, and working style tests. You can practice these at CareerGym.com. Use code GJP to get 20% off all of their tests!


Why you need to know which graduate jobs you are applying to Why you need to be researching the chosen companies like crazy The importance of really knowing why you are applying to each company The value of practicing now for the psychometric tests!

Don’t forget, also make sure you check out https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/subscribe which links to how to subscribe on ItunesSpotify, Youtube, and by email. So something for everyone there.