Hello and welcome to the 82nd episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, the UK's number 1 careers podcast. I have a very special guest today who will entertain you with their silky and dulcet tones…..Ok, maybe I don’t, as today you just have the pleasure of yours truly to take you through the pros and cons of getting a job on a graduate scheme. You know how it is, there is lots of money spent marketing the big graduate schemes, they come and travel round to your universities on the Milkround, they have the glossy adverts in the careers magazines and the Times Top 100 Graduate employers list, but are they worth all of the effort and energy it takes to get them?  I explore in detail the reasons why you should apply for a graduate scheme and also some reasons why they might not be the best place for you to begin your career. We delve into the advantages offered by companies on their graduate schemes and also the disadvantages you will face on them. At the end of the day it’s always going to be a personal choice as to what is right for you, but this will give you plenty of food for thought that you are making the correct decision. No matter where you are in your jobsearch, still applying, or maybe in a job which isn’t rocking your world, this is an episode which you aren’t going to want to miss. Now the only link you need to remember from today is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/graduatescheme, as that has all of the links to everything which we discuss and a full transcript which you can download, so make sure you head on over there.


And don’t forget to check out today’s sponsor who are our friends over at CareerGym.comCareer Gym is the number one place for you to undertake all of your psychometric tests which you will face when you apply for a graduate job. No matter what graduate job you apply for you’re going to have to face some type of verbal reasoning, situational judgment, and working style tests. You can practice these at CareerGym.com. Use code GJP to get 20% off all of their tests!


The advantages of starting your career on a graduate scheme Some of the pitfalls you could face on a graduate scheme Why you should go into a graduate scheme with your eyes open as to what you will face Which industries pay the highest graduate scheme starting salaries How structured career progression on a graduate scheme could set you up for success, or hold you back How working on a graduate scheme could be the most enjoyable time of your working life Why you shouldn’t let the fact that getting on a graduate scheme is difficult stop you