“…SINCE YOU ARE WAITING FOR THESE, BE DILIGENT TO BE FOUND BY HIM WITHOUT SPOT OR BLEMISH, AND AT PEACE.” What are “these” we are waiting for? When Jesus returns, He will gather His church, then expose & remove evil. Obviously, followers of Jesus are supposed to be “waiting for these”, but what should our waiting look like? What does Peter mean when He says we should be found without spot or blemish, and at peace? What’s harder, believing in Jesus’ return, or being diligent to be found by Jesus w/out spot or blemish and at peace? What does without spot or blemish and at peace even mean? Is living like that even possible? How far does that go? How many of us right now can say, “I am waiting without spot or blemish and at peace? I call it “Perfect waiting” How should “perfect waiting” impact priorities, choices, our relationships with one another & the world around us? How do we know if we’re perfectly “waiting for these”, ready to be found without spot or blemish, at peace? Would a checklist be helpful? Or an example of perfect waiting to follow so we’re found w/out spot, blemish at peace?