Are there things about this world you believe should change? Things that if there was justice would be wiped away? War? Human trafficking? Racism & bigotry? Violent crime? Murder? Rape? What about Economic injustice? Corporate greed? Government corruption & evil? What about things like natural disasters that cause so much pain? What about cancer? COVID? What about other moral issues like abortion, euthanasia, on and on…Most people have some sort of vision or hope for what the world should be, including strong opinions on solutions. The human heart naturally longs for all things to be made right. We hope for a better world, a better tomorrow. We hope for that personally, for our family, our community, our country, the world. We long for eutopia. We advocate for those issues and solutions, with great passion, as we should as part of our royal priesthood. Sometimes we make a real difference, but it’s never enough, no matter how hard we try, we can’t have total success. There is only one event that will make this world everything we hope, that will fulfill our desires, God’s Judgement.