What if GraceLife received a letter from Jesus saying “GraceLife is dying! Repent, return to the Gospel, or be judged!”? Is GraceLife a living, vibrant, faithful, obedient church? IF Jesus wrote us a letter, would He list any good works? I worry about this continually. Then I see God use our church for His Kingdom, and my anxiety fades just a bit…for maybe an hour… then I worry about it again. Why do I worry so much? Do any of you ever think about this? If you’re emotionally, spiritually, financially vested in GraceLife, you should ask these questions also. We’re not perfect, no church is, but are we alive? I believe right now, today, we are (More later). Can we stay alive? And What does a dying church look like? Low attendance? No money? Lots of conflict? Are those the proper metrics? Just because a church has lots of people, lots of money, a good reputation in society, looks vibrant, it can be dead. We will see that today in week 8 of Revelation. We will also learn how to assure GraceLife doesn’t become like that.