Every person desires a community that embraces their personal values, enhances opportunity for success or happiness. It’s a natural to desire to live in a world that affirms your core values, protects what’s important, family, faith, success… Its why people move, change jobs, chose a church, become passionate about politics, volunteer, donate to charity. People of all faiths (even atheist), cultural backgrounds, political leanings, (big gov or small) moral values (pro-life or pro-choice) economic philosophy (capitalist or socialist), have passionate opinions for what society should look like. For true followers of Jesus, the gift of faith gives us a desire for a culture that embraces our Kingdom Values. We advocate for them, fight for them, vote for them, proclaim them, hopefully we can change the culture. But one thing 1000’s of years of human history tells us. The world isn’t interested and won’t be until Jesus returns. Until then, this world will constantly pressure us to compromise how we live or what we believe & in exchange for success & acceptance. So, what are we supposed to do, what does Jesus want us to do until He returns?