This week Sara and Kathy finish off the fruits of the Spirit by talking in depth about each one. The fruits of the Spirit are proof of the Spirit’s effectiveness in your life! We have good fruit and rotten fruit, how do you know which one you’re producing? A simple question to ask yourself is who is influencing my thoughts and actions more right now? The word of God or the world? Am I spending more time in the world than I am with the Father? Would your closest friends and family characterize you by these fruits? Not to bring up shame but let’s just take a realistic look at ourselves because we can’t change something if we don’t know anything is wrong, right? This is something we all go back and forth on and will never do it perfectly but the more we abide, the more He produces these qualities in us, for other to see Him and bring Him more glory! We are invited into His kingdom to bring Him glory! How cool! Jesus came because we CAN’T do it on our own and you’ll never cultivate any of these fruits on your own. Spending time in the Word and communing with the Father throughout your day will bring so much more life than living in the world of chaos and rotten fruit. All of this is to bring Him glory and He will complete the work He has started! What a beautiful reminder.