This week Sara and Kathy continue the series on the book of Psalms by diving deep into Psalm 139. This chapter in the Bible is a MUST READ! David writes this Psalm stating from the beginning God has searched Him and knows Him. He proclaims this because it’s true! God knew David better than David knew himself and this beautiful Psalm is an example of how detailed God is in creating each and every one of us! He is an intricately divine creator who sees us all as individuals, uniquely made in His image! In today’s culture, it feels like we are all lumped together by groups and like the world is telling us we don’t matter but let this Psalm help you go against the grain and put a stake in the ground to declare, “I do matter! I am created by the Almighty God who created ALL things and loves me!” If you are feeling unseen or unheard, spend this week reading through this Psalm everyday. Ask the Lord to show you how loved you are and how special He created you. He sees your pain, He wants you.