Guess what? We have Nadia Neal back as a special guest again this week! Last week we started a series in the Psalms and today the Grace Warriors continue diving deep into the book by talking about the Songs of Ascent. The Songs of Ascent were songs sung by worshipers as they journeyed to Jerusalem for feasts. These songs are filled with honesty and praise. Psalms 120-134 are where you can find these songs. They seep with words of growth, sacrifice and trust and show us God can be trusted in the unknown. Trusting God when we can’t see is difficult but the only way to fully believe in our hearts that He can be trusted is to know him! The best way to know the Father is through spending time in His word. Join us this week as we read through the Songs of Ascent. His word is the only way we can live out our true identity in Christ.