Today Kathy and Sara talk over the story in John 4 where Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well. This incredible story gives us a unique view of Jesus and His ministry here on Earth. He was intentional, He was slow with his words, and He gave her a place to belong forever. Shame and guilt are two of the ways the enemy keeps all of us out of God’s word and out of the mission God has given us. In this story, we see Jesus shatter shame and guilt with His grace and love. We see light take over the darkness. Just as Jesus met the woman at the well, right where she was at, He does the exact same thing for you! He chooses a longer route just to connect with you. He goes against social norms to show you how loved you are and He gives you something we all need, a quenching our thirsty soul. We all run to earthy things to satisfy our hearts and distract ourselves from the pain in this world but Jesus meets us with the living water and says "thirst no more, I am with you!" Today, we challenge you to get in His presence. It changes everything. If you are living in shame from your past mistakes, remember His blood covers it all and He removes our transgressions as far as the East is from the West!