This week on the podcast, Sara and Kathy continue their journey through 1 Corinthians 13. Instead of talking about all the things love IS, this week we are talking about all of the qualities love is NOT.  Love does not envy. It does not boast. It is not self-seeking. And those are just a few! Wow!  Can someone say, 'convicting!'? The list of qualities in this chapter are sometimes difficult to see in ourselves but all too easy to point out in others. We want to challenge you this week to examine your actions first, take them to the Father and see where you need Christ's freedom.  Where am I rude? Where am I impatient? We want to know those places that don't look like him because those are the places we are in bondage.  Remember, to show agape love, we have to encounter Christ and allow him to change us, DAILY! Choose freedom, victory and grace!  Run to His word. Run to the One who doesn't condemn but instead helps and heals! The goal isn't's growth!