Merry Christmas from the Grace Warriors! We know you are busy with all of the holiday shopping, wrapping and cooking but we want you to give yourself the freedom to pause, breathe and spend some time with Jesus! The Christmas song we are looking at today is a little different. Sara and Kathy talk about the differences between God and Santa. God isn’t like Santa at all, He doesn’t keep record of your wrongs and rights because of Jesus. Christmas time is the perfect time to remind ourselves of the true character of God and He doesn’t want perfection. He just wants obedience. The good news of the Christmas season is that redemption is completely one-sided. God comes near to us who don’t deserve it, who could never add up and calls us holy! He is Christ the Lord, our Savior. Take a few minutes in this season to see the gifts he has given you. Rest in the love of your Father. He adores you!