We asked you all what you’re dealing with and a lot of people responded they are struggling with worry. Anxiousness and worry can be all-consuming and sometimes it feels like there is no way out., Sara and Kathy wanted to discuss this topic today. Many times the worry we are feeling in the moment is a lack of trusting the Lord. We become consumed with our circumstances and forget we have a good God we can trust. This all boils down to having a fear of losing control. Sound right, ladies? Yeah, we ALL struggle with control! The TRUTH is, none of us are in control and if 2020 has shown us anything, it is that we aren’t in control, but there is hope! As Christian women, we have something very powerful, the Holy Spirit, so we don’t have to be ruled by fear. We have a God fully in control! Sometimes we forget how powerful this Spirit is and we allow the enemy to keep us in our worry. We are safe and secure today because we have God’s word to show us feelings verses truth. Choose to not waste time in worry, tormenting yourself. Slow down today, capture the thoughts that are capturing you and surrender them to the God who knows all and loves you deeply. Remember, He is for you!