In spite of our brokenness, and many times because of it, God chooses to use us to advance His Kingdom. As the apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4, God has placed a treasure in us, even knowing we are fragile containers. We will make mistakes, but He has chosen us anyway- chosen us to … Continue reading May 24, 2020 | God of the Broken Vessel | GC Online Gathering →

In spite of our brokenness, and many times because of it, God chooses to use us to advance His Kingdom. As the apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4, God has placed a treasure in us, even knowing we are fragile containers. We will make mistakes, but He has chosen us anyway- chosen us to show the world what mercy, peace, self-sacrifice, and true holiness look like. Last week as we looked at the first four beatitudes, we learned that God loves the humble, those who know they are truly broken and in need of Him. This week we see that He calls the broken into action. Our brokenness is not a call to resignation and defeat, but a call instead to lean into His strength and victory.