This week I'm coming to you on a solo mission. Using re-sellers is not often discussed but is a highly valuable tool many small businesses are using.

Seven benefits to using this strategy are:

Access to Existing Contracts: Resellers often have existing contracts with the government, allowing small businesses to take advantage of those contracts and sell their products or services without having to go through the often lengthy and complex process of securing their own contract.

Established Relationships: Resellers also have established relationships with government agencies, which can be beneficial for small businesses that may not have the same level of familiarity or experience working with the government.

Lower Overhead Costs: By using a reseller, small businesses can potentially save money on overhead costs associated with selling to the government, such as marketing, sales, and administrative expenses.

Reduced Risk: Resellers can help small businesses reduce their risk by taking on some of the responsibilities and liabilities associated with selling to the government.

Increased Flexibility: Subcontracting through a reseller can give small businesses more flexibility in terms of the type of work they take on, as well as the timing and duration of their projects.

Assistance with Compliance: Resellers can help small businesses navigate the often complex and confusing world of government regulations and compliance requirements.

Potential for Growth: Finally, subcontracting through a reseller can help small businesses grow their business and increase their revenue by accessing new markets and opportunities that may have been previously out of reach.

Overall, subcontracting with a reseller can be a smart move for small businesses looking to break into the government contracting space, and can help them achieve success and profitability in this highly competitive arena.


If you want personalized assistance from my team and I to help you start selling to the US government, increase the number of contracts you are winning or optimize the contracts you currently have please reach out to us at:

If you have comments or would like to reach me personally you can do so at [email protected]

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