It's almost the new year and now's the time to put your foot on the government contracting gas pedal! In this episode I discuss the upcoming round of SBIR openings, using SBIR and STTR topics to help find your niche and shamelessly plug DoD Contract Academy! 

If you want personalized assistance from my team and I to help you start selling to the US government, increase the number of contracts you are winning or optimize the contracts you currently have please reach out to us at:

If you have comments or would like to reach me personally you can do so at [email protected]

You can also connect with me on LinkedIn at:

It's almost the new year and now's the time to put your foot on the government contracting gas pedal! In this episode I discuss the upcoming round of SBIR openings, using SBIR and STTR topics to help find your niche and shamelessly plug DoD Contract Academy! 

If you want personalized assistance from my team and I to help you start selling to the US government, increase the number of contracts you are winning or optimize the contracts you currently have please reach out to us at:

If you have comments or would like to reach me personally you can do so at [email protected]

You can also connect with me on LinkedIn at: