Freeman is a student in DoD Contract Academy, but he's not trying to sell to the government...

Instead, his goal is to use what he's learning as a DoD Contract Academy member to advise small companies on government contracting and broker deals.

After just a few weeks in the Academy he's already landed 5 Clients!! This is a great success story and a different angle then we typically discuss.

Now If you want an intersting Niche for coaching or consulting then this is the episode for you.

If you want to implement a plan to win governmemt contracts or advise others to do so then  this is your time!

Simply join DoD Contract Academy and we'll teach you what you need to know with our weekly coaching and on demand training.

If you’re serious about implementing a plan to grow your business and revenue, DoD Contract Academy is for you! 

Most business owners play it safe when it comes to revenue goals. If you want to see growth, you need to set aggressive goals and reverse-engineer a plan to get there. But how can you know what’s going to actually move the needle? If you’re not careful, you could end up wasting a lot of time and energy that don’t make a significant impact on your bottom line.

In today’s episode, Richard Howard walks you through a practical exercise that will help you reverse-engineer a plan to add revenue with government contracts.

If you’re tired of being stuck at the same revenue year after year, this episode is for you! -- Join DoD Contract Academy at

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