"Continuity of Abuse"

Hosts: Vicky Davis, Darren Weeks

COMPLETE SHOW NOTES AVAILABLE AT: https://governamerica.com/radio/radio-archives/22011-govern-america-march-4-2017-continuity-of-abuse

Vicky's Websites: http://thetechnocratictyranny.com http://channelingreality.com http://tvoinews.net

The push for a Constitutional Convention is alive and well and still being pushed within the state legislatures across the country. President Trump is now alleging, on Twitter, that Obama tapped his phones. The witch hunt for Russian influence, within the Trump administration continues. If Donald Trump is sincere, why won't he go after the real criminals that are a danger to our republic? Is the minimum wage helping to fuel the robotic revolution? Will people become obsolete in an age of robotics, software, computer systems, and technology? What will happen to idle workers — what the elite planners refer to as “useless eaters”? The monetization of poor people for research. Project Destiny and the movement to redefine the role of the pharmacist. We delve into Trump's first address to a joint session of Congress. Issues discuss include deregulation and immigration reform. Is Trump headed toward giving illegal aliens amnesty? Trump's idea of “making America great” apparently comes with a huge price tag. We touch upon his infrastructure project, military funding, border wall, and the Obamacare “repeal and replace”. Why are the Republicans hiding the bill in the basement of the capitol? We dissect a Ted discussion with globalist player, Yuval Harari, dive into a World Economic Forum panel discussion on the effects of globalism and what the participants see as the future, and take some phone calls.