"News from the Sweatshop"

Hosts: Vicky Davis, Darren Weeks

COMPLETE SHOW NOTES AND CREDITS AT: https://governamerica.com/radio/radio-archives/22003-govern-america-february-25-2017-news-from-the-sweatshop

Vicky's Websites: thetechnocratictyranny.com channelingreality.com and tvoinews.net

3rd Hour Guest: Chuck Coppes of IDP Consulting Group, author of America's Financial Reckoning Day

Will Trump reverse Obama on the national monuments? Has John McCain violated the Logan Act? Why aren't his secret dealings being exposed? Does what he told to some Russian pranksters shine light on the future of America? Establishment media whines about not being included in a press gaggle, while Britain readying a law that could put journalists away for 14 years, and Swedish government cracks down on what it deems fake news. 20th Century Fox apologizes for spreading fake news. Mika Brzezinski reveals her role as network news anchor. Project Veritas releases secret CNN recordings. Google kicks censorship into high gear, banning the entire Natural News site. We examine a panel discussion on national security, take a few phone calls, and welcome Chuck Coppes, author of America's Financial Reckoning Day, back to the broadcast. Will Donald Trump serve as the fall guy for the coming economic collapse? Has he been chosen to be the lightning rod for the turmoil?