6ers, nowadays there are many health and fitness training programs that no longer prioritize individual needs. For whatever reason, the trend has become about the idealization of movement patterns and the specific end results we want. But training should always be done with conscious intention. 

This week, Tony Nash is joined by Kegan Dillon, a U.S Army veteran and the program director at V23. Kegan is passionate about the inner workings of strength and conditioning to rehabilitate his own injuries and help others. He believes that every person can benefit from a life enhanced with fitness. 

You will learn about the value of slow, gradual build of understanding that fitness and health is an internal process. That there should be an alignment between the internal and external self as you’re making adjustments and creating your own health and fitness journey. You acknowledge that the work is never done and your training is a practice you set for life. 

As a result, you’ll learn that the immediacy of the progress should not be substituted for enjoying the process. There is no shortcut to this journey and you need to learn the physical and psychological endurance at a pace that you are realizing your full potential without unnecessarily harming yourself. It is about acknowledging that it is a practice of how to make progress for the long-term instead of just the next ten weeks. 


01:01 - Helping an athlete define the difference between passion and interest (the journey) 
02:40 - Passion has longevity, interest is reactionary  
03:33 - Slow introduction is better for understanding the health and fitness journey as a practice 
04:27 - Treat the athletes like people first and remove the end goal 
06:11 - The value of slow gradual build in practice 
08:40 - Getting back to a baseline of health training 
11:25 - How we fall into a trap of overtrained, burnout training, and practice 
13:00 - What is more impactful in helping the athlete know what they actually want? 
15:57 - Our pre-determined ideas about fitness can sometimes limit us 
19:18 - Calling out your own BS and how it can lead to a true human connection experience
22:05 - Escape living out of fear 


Here is how to connect with Kegan Dillon:


V23 Website  


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