Previous Episode: Epiosde 1: The Upper Story
Next Episode: Episode 3: In His Image

God speaks through creation. Addressing creation, the apostle Paul wrote, “What can be known about God is plain…God has shown it.” (Romans 1:19) He went on to write, “His invisible attributes…have been clearly perceived…in the things that have been made.” (Romans 1:20) Paul’s point is utterly clear. God has revealed himself via creation.

Paul’s explanation about creation brings elevated attention to the creation story in Genesis 1. When we read the narrative, what we discover is that God has placed a big exclamation point on his work. Repeated Hebrew patterns in the narrative highlight the enormous power and authority of God. In this episode of Gospel in Real Life, Dr. Wright discusses these patterns and explains how the creation story is connected to the Gospel and how that makes a punctuated difference in human life today.

For more information: Gospel in Real Life