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Gospel Grace Church Sermon Audio

505 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 23 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 33 ratings

Gospel Grace Church exists as a church to honor God by making gospel-centered, grace-saturated disciples of Jesus Christ.

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The Bible's Answer to the Problem of Suffering

February 16, 2020 10:45

1 Peter 4:12 - Speaker: Jon Kopp - We begin today by looking at the Bible as a whole to understand it’s basic response to suffering. How does the Bible respond to suffering—especially undeserved suffering—in a universe sovereignly governed by a merciful God? So we’ll start with the Biblical origin of suffering, and then follow the story of Scripture where this problem is handled most clearly. That’s our outline for the rest of this morning: the origin, and the answer. This study adapted fr...

The Writing on the Wall

February 16, 2020 09:00

Daniel 5:1-31 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Some people think that they can dismiss God from the aperture of their lives and somehow he disappears. They think that because they turn away from him, he no longer exists. But the Most High will not be disregarded; he will not be ignored. In Daniel 5, Belshazzar was a king who knew about Yahweh. He had watched God’s dealings with proud Nebuchadnezzar. But despite such clear history lessons, Belshazzar lifted himself up before the Lord and was ulti...

Misconceptions & Myths

February 09, 2020 10:45

- Speaker: Aaron Boyce - How does our culture misunderstand the gospel? How can the church misrepresent the gospel? And how do those two issues go hand-in-hand?

Numbers and Deuteronomy

February 09, 2020 10:45

Numbers - Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - We wrap up our time in the Pentateuch by studying the books of Number and Deuteronomy this week.

Mormonism as a Culture, Not Just a Religion

February 09, 2020 10:45

Acts 17:16-34 - Speaker: Daniel Mulder - We’ve been talking about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for four weeks now, and we’ve talked a lot about Doctrine, plus some about ethics and spirituality. But we can’t lose sight that the LDS church is not just a religious institution, it’s also a unique people group with its own shared identity.

Addiction and True Change (Biblical Repentance)

February 09, 2020 10:45

2 Corinthians 7:8-11 - Speaker: Chan Choi - What does it mean to truly change according to God? 2 Corinthians 7 teaches us that ‘grief according to God’ allows us to have a right attitude and pathway to a true change.

Those Who Walk in Pride He is Able to Humble

February 09, 2020 09:00

Daniel 4:28-37 - Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - Twelve months have passed since the events on Daniel 4:1-27 where King Nebuchadnezzar was called to “break off his sins”. God revealed an impending judgment through a vision that Daniel interprets. Today, we pick up part two of the story. Will King Nebuchadnezzar heed the counsel of Daniel? In what seems like an anti-climactic moment, we find that the call to repentance has fallen on deaf ears; rather the king now walks in pride. Today we will see...

Foundations of LDS Teaching, Part 2

February 02, 2020 10:45

Acts 17:16-34 - Speaker: Daniel Mulder - We wrap up our discussion on faith, works, and salvation, using that topic to understand why doctrinal conversations between evangelicals and latter-days saints can be so challenging.


February 02, 2020 10:45

Leviticus - Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - This week we will look at the book of Leviticus. We will specifically look at the relationship of the law to the New Testament believer.

Gospel Sharing

February 02, 2020 10:45

Romans 10:13-13:15 - Speaker: Alex Morrison - Sharing the gospel seems to scare many Christians. The source of this is a fear of man. The gospel has the power to change lives and enable us to overcome those fears and teach people about the good news of Jesus Christ. We glorify God by proclaiming the gospel to a broken world. This study explains how God can reorder our fears and how we can effectively share the gospel.

Heavens Rule on Earth

February 02, 2020 09:00

Daniel 4:1-27 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Regardless of how secure or insecure you feel, God reigns over all. Despite world events of prosperity or suffering God is sovereign for all eternity. He is the Most High God who gives and takes away and there is no stopping his hand. So, we need to bow before him, turn from our sins, and seek his mercy. Only then can we say with Nebuchadnezzar, “How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion...


January 28, 2020 23:31

Exodus - Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - In this lesson we will study the book of Exodus. We will be introduced to a nation called the Israelite's, a Prophet, Moses, that God raises to make them a Holy People.

The Intersection of Trauma, Addiction, and Mental Illness

January 26, 2020 10:45

- Speaker: Lukus Counterman - People diagnosed with mood, anxiety, or behavioral disorders are twice as likely to have addiction problems than the general public. In this lesson we will explore some of the trauma reactions and seek to discover how trials can become opportunities for post-adversity growth instead of post-traumatic stress or disorder.

Foundations of LDS Teaching

January 26, 2020 10:45

Deuteronomy 6:4 - Speaker: Daniel Mulder - What does the Restored Church teach about the nature of God, Jesus Christ, and Salvation?

Foundations of LDS Teaching, Part 1

January 26, 2020 10:45

Deuteronomy 6:4 - Speaker: Daniel Mulder - What does the Restored Church teach about the nature of God, Jesus Christ, and Salvation?

Gospel Culture

January 26, 2020 10:45

Romans 15:7 - Speaker: Jon Kopp - Ray Ortlund says that "Gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. The doctrines of grace create a culture of grace, a social environment of acceptance and hope and freedom and joy. Jesus himself touches us through his truths to create a new kind of community. Without the doctrines, the culture alone is fragile. Without the culture, the doctrines alone appear pointless." This study has been adapted from Pastor Ortlund's book, articles, videos, sermons and inter...

He is Mighty to Save

January 26, 2020 09:00

Daniel 3:1-30 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - After hearing about an image where he represents only the head of gold, Nebuchadnezzar defies the prophecy and announces an immoveable kingdom centered on himself. He crafts a statue that is 90 feet tall and the whole thing is gold from top to bottom. There’s no silver, bronze or iron successor. There’s no feet of clay – just Nebuchadnezzar and his gold from beginning to end. He set up the statue in seeming defiance of Yahweh and commanded everyone ...

Understanding Addiction as a Sin, A Sickness or Both

January 19, 2020 10:45

- Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In this lesson we will examine the Addictive Cycle and various models that seek to explain the complexities of addiction. Since definition drives care, a proper understanding of addiction is imperative.

Gospel for You

January 19, 2020 10:45

- Speaker: Jared Mitchell - The gospel is not only for salvation, but it is the means by which we live life. This week we will discuss the importance of preaching the gospel to ourselves daily. We will see why it is crucial to do this and some ways of how we can do this.


January 19, 2020 10:45

Genesis - Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - We start off our study of individual books with the first book of the Bible; Genesis. We see the story of creation, rebellion and the setting in motion the plan of redemption.

What Does it Mean to be a Christian?

January 19, 2020 10:45

1 John 4:7-21 - Speaker: Daniel Mulder - What does it mean to be a Christian? We look at this question through several lenses, while starting to look at how Latter-Day Saints can tend to look at it. We remind ourselves that this is a weighty question, because eternal life is at stake. Finally, we start comparing and contrasting the orthodox Christian and Latter-Day Saint worldviews by looking at one deep similarity and one deep difference.

Seek First the Kingdom

January 19, 2020 09:00

Daniel 2:1-49 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own problems that we lose sight of the big picture of human history. We struggle with the pains associated with our fading kingdom and forget the victory of his final kingdom. Daniel 2 is meant to focus our attention on the sovereignty of God and the promise of his coming kingdom which will replace all others. It’s meant to help us navigate the seemingly impossible circumstances of life such that we turn to the ...

Understanding Mormonism

January 12, 2020 10:45

Acts 17:16-34 - Speaker: Daniel Mulder - “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” To understand Mormonism, let's first look at Paul in Athens as our role model for speaking with those of other faiths.

Identifying Substance Abuse, Behavioral, and Process Addictions

January 12, 2020 10:45

- Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In this lesson we will examine the profile of an addict, the definition of addiction, the addictive cycle, and types of addictions.

Seek First to Understand

January 12, 2020 10:45

Acts 17:16-34 - Speaker: Daniel Mulder - “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” To understand Mormonism, let's first look at Paul in Athens as our role model for speaking with those of other faiths.

Gospel Essentials

January 12, 2020 10:45

- Speaker: Jared Mitchell - In the Gospel Essentials class we will be addressing some of the sources that our culture relies on for truth outside the Bible and how they fail. Next we see that the Bible is the ultimate authority for truth. Finally, we ask four simple questions that help us see where to find the gospel in the Bible.

Introduction to Old Testament

January 12, 2020 10:45

- Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - We begin our study of the Old Testament with an overview of the historical timeline of the nation of Israel.

Where is God in Our Exile?

January 12, 2020 09:00

Daniel 1:1-21 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In Daniel 1 we are introduced some Hebrew youths who endured a long exile in Babylon. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah faithfully navigated the difficulties associated with living in an ungodly culture. As we look at their lives, they give us hope that it’s possible to remain loyal to God in our own day and age. The sovereign Lord who guided Daniel and his friends in Babylon is the same God who will guide his faithful people today. While we ma...

In Closing

January 08, 2020 19:00

Colossians 4:2-24 - Speaker: Ryan McCammack - As Paul concludes his letter to the Colossians, he reminds the believers that their priorities must be reshaped by Christ.  All who follow Jesus should known for their marked dependence on their Heavenly Father, an unswerving commitment to the Great Commission and a deep love for their fellow-believers.  When we embrace all that Christ has done for us it changes the trajectory of our lives.

Relationship Advice

January 07, 2020 19:00

Colossians 3:18-4:1 - Speaker: Ryan McCammack - When we trust in Jesus everything changes, including the way we relate to others.  Our vertical relationship with Christ is meant to transform our horizontal relationship with others.  Because of this, the marriages, families, friendships and even work relationships of believers should be shaped by the gospel. The transformed relationships of believers is yet another way that King Jesus intends to show his goodness to the world.

Connected to Christ

January 06, 2020 19:00

Colossians 2:6-24 - Speaker: Ryan McCammack - In Colossi, false teachers were seeking to persuade the Colossians to move on from the gospel.  Because of this, Paul urges the believers to stay connected to Christ.  According to the Bible, faith in Jesus is not just the front door to the Christian life.  It's the whole house.  No matter how long we live as a follower of Jesus, we never outgrow our need for the gospel.  Just as we "received Jesus as Lord" we should continue to "walk in him" (Col...

Gospel Seeds

January 05, 2020 10:30

Colossians 1:1-8 - Speaker: Ryan McCammack - The gospel like a seed has incredible power. When the gospel was planted in Colossi by ordinary individuals, lives were transformed and a church was born. All who hope in Jesus have access to that same power today. The message of Jesus can be taken by anyone to anywhere. Because of these realities, we can have great confidence when we proclaim the good news of Christ.

No Condemnation in Christ

December 29, 2019 10:30

Romans 8:1 - Speaker: Jon Kopp - Our text boldly declares “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” And yet, far too many Christians have been carrying around condemnation from their sin for so long that they think it’s normal to go through life weighed down. “Would you like to be rid of that weight?” The theologian Martyn Lloyd Jones shows us how. “The first thing you have to do is to say farewell now once and forever to your past...Never look back at your si...

Advent Week 4: The Necessity of the Incarnation

December 22, 2019 10:30

- Speaker: Lukus Counterman - While the incarnation may be celebrated, it’s not appreciated by all who approach Christmas. This year take some time to reflect on how the Son of God became man so that God’s design for humanity could be restored, so that sons and daughters could be brought to glory, and so that Jesus could make a once-for-all, sufficient payment for our sins. Merry Christmas!

Advent Week 3: Christ Our Joy

December 15, 2019 09:00

- Speaker: Lukus Counterman - We sing the Christmas carol “Joy to the World,” but I wonder how much joy is really being experienced this time of year. People get lost in the hustle and bustle of shopping. They get consumed with the greed and materialism of our culture. And many get distracted from Christ even though his name is in the holiday itself. Perhaps this season we can recover some joy by looking at Jesus, renewing our trust in him, focusing on his promises as wait with endurance. Jo...

Advent Week 2: Christ our Peace

December 08, 2019 10:30

John 14:27 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - At Christmas time, we think about the story of Christ’s birth. Shepherds were abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night. The Greek word for “keeping watch” is an interesting one – it means to guard or protect. While shepherds may be good at keeping watch over sheep, Christ’s peace keeps watch over our hearts. Paul puts it this way using the same Greek word, “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard [or keep ...

Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions

December 01, 2019 10:45

Topical - Speaker: Will Galkin - Often Christians can feel overwhelmed when an unbeliever challenges their faith. They are afraid of not knowing what to say or having their beliefs ridiculed. To combat this common fear, Greg Koukl wrote Tactics. Through his book, Koukl desires to equip Christians to engage unbelievers in a more thoughtful manner. The goal of our teaching time will be to summarize Koukl’s concepts and offer contextualized suggests for reaching those around you. 2 Corinthian...

Doctrine of the End Times, Part 2

December 01, 2019 10:45

- Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - We continue our study of interpretive methods that pertain to the doctrine of the end times and look at the Judgement.

Advent Week 1: Christ Our Hope

December 01, 2019 09:00

- Speaker: Josh MacAvoy - Though this season of the year is filled with words like “hope, joy and peace,” it often feels far different. It might be more accurate for this month to expose unfulfilled longing, feelings of separation and pain. Our passage for the morning is a prayer that hope, joy and peace would not just be present in your life, but that you would be filled to overflowing. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spiri...

Problem of Evil, Part 2

November 24, 2019 10:45

- Speaker: Will Galkin - Many have claimed that the existence of evil is one of the biggest problems faced by the Christian worldview. It is a major reason why many people do not believe in Jesus Christ. Theologian Millard Erickson notes that the problem of evil “is a very severe problem, perhaps the most severe of all the intellectual problems facing theism.” This is true, and it is why Christians must have a coherent, logical, and biblical response to the problem. While this problem is ser...

The Doctrine of End Times

November 24, 2019 10:45

- Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan -

The Practices and Problems of Church Life

November 24, 2019 09:00

Titus 3:9-15 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - The letter to Titus concludes with a warning about the danger of distraction, and instructions on how to deal with a divisive person. Paul was concerned about the unity and doctrinal purity of the church, and we should be too. If God’s people are going to be fruitful and pursue what’s profitable, they need to learn to avoid distraction, beware of division, and cultivate devotion to good works that adorn the gospel. May the Lord help us as we seek to ...

The Doctrine of Salvation, Part 3

November 17, 2019 10:45

- Speaker: Jordan Allen - Today we wrap up the doctrine of salvation. We'll take a 40,000 foot view of regeneration, conversion, justification, and union with Christ, but then we'll zoom in just a little on sanctification. What is sanctification? How do I become like Christ? Am I responsible, or is it a work of God? Does it happen all at once or is it continuous? Then we'll wrap up the discussion with glorification, the final salvation event that we look forward to when we will be finally li...

Problem of Evil, Part 1

November 17, 2019 10:45

Topical - Speaker: Will Galkin - Many have claimed that the existence of evil is one of the biggest problems faced by the Christian worldview. It is a major reason why many people do not believe in Jesus Christ. Theologian Millard Erickson notes that the problem of evil “is a very severe problem, perhaps the most severe of all the intellectual problems facing theism.” This is true, and it is why Christians must have a coherent, logical, and biblical response to the problem. While this problem...

A Good, Kind, and Gracious God at Work

November 17, 2019 09:00

Titus 3:1-8 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In Titus 3:1-8 Paul addresses the direct relationship between Christians and the surrounding pagan world. He indicates that believers are supposed to practice good works, cultivate goodwill, and seek to share the good news with those around them. When the cultural presence of ungodliness and the difficult pressures from government invade the Christian community, believers need to remember that they were once lost and spiritually destitute. And they’d ...

Apologetics: Christian Exclusivity

November 10, 2019 10:45

- Speaker: Will Galkin - "All roads lead to God." “Who are you to say that your faith is the only true faith?” In this lesson, we discuss religious pluralism vs. Christian exclusivism, examining important texts and testing arguments, including our own.

The Doctrine of Salvation, Part 2

November 10, 2019 10:45

- Speaker: Jordan Allen - This week we continue to look at what happens at or surrounding the moment of salvation. Discussing regeneration, the call, justification, conversion, and union with Christ, we dive into what God has accomplished for us and rejoice in Him.

The Push of Grace and the Pull of Glory

November 10, 2019 09:00

Titus 2:11-15 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - I know it’s only November, but Christmas is coming. And in many liturgical readings for Christmas Eve, Titus 2:11-15 makes the list. It’s a passage that talks about the two epiphanies or “appearings” of Christ. His first coming was in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago and it was marked by grace. His next coming could be any day now. He’ll appear in the clouds with the sound of a trumpet and it will be characterized by brilliant glory. These two revelati...

Moral Argument for God

November 03, 2019 10:45

Topical - Speaker: Will Galkin - Non-theists and theists can finally agree about something. The 20th century was one of the bloodiest centuries our world has ever known. Historians approximate 125 million people lost their lives. The world at war abetted the production of weapons of destruction as never seen before. But why is this violence bad? Why should anyone refrain from hurting people? Is there an objective right and wrong? The Moral Argument for God argues that moral law transcends al...

Doctrine of Salvation, Part 1

November 03, 2019 10:45

- Speaker: Jordan Allen - The atonement was the chief work that Christ came to accomplish on earth. We turn now to the doctrine of salvation, how the work of Christ is applied to each person.