In this exhilarating episode of The Goodsugar Podcast, Marcus and Ralph embark on a journey through the realms of New Year's resolutions, unveiling the latest updates on the Goodsugar store, and delving into the profound intricacies of the human condition.

Feel the pulse of excitement as the hosts navigate the uncharted waters of personal growth and aspirations for the new year. The Goodsugar store, a beacon of innovation and style, takes center stage at the dynamic intersection of 3rd Avenue and 69th Street. Explore the digital aisles filled with captivating merchandise at, where the spirit of the "new kids on the block" comes to life.

Join the lively conversation on social media, where Marcus Antebi shares his vibrant perspectives at, and Ralph Sutton invites you to dance with his spirit at This episode is not merely a dialogue; it's an exhilarating exploration into the essence of personal evolution and the electrifying energy that defines The Goodsugar Podcast.

New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be made only on January 1st. They can be made at any time throughout the year. This means that we have the flexibility to reflect on our resolutions and goals at any point before they become relevant to us. In the past, great philosophers viewed the new year as the conclusion of an important solar cycle, marking a fresh start for our personal growth and happiness. Happiness can be seen as the resolution of internal conflicts, anxiety, struggles, and suffering.

A wonderful New Year's resolution could be to allocate time to learn about and understand the concept of breathing exercises that can lead to meditation, ultimately helping to calm the mind. Often, we may not pursue such practices because we doubt that something so simple could be effective, but this new year, let's challenge ourselves to believe in the power of meditation. I will strive to believe that gaining control over our minds can be as straightforward as incorporating a short daily meditation practice into our routine.