Who do you trust? I'm sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room, looking at one person in my life who I can trust, completely. My Lady Wonder Wench. She's in her pink bathrobe, with her left leg tucked up under her butt, and she's sticking out her tongue a little while she's squinting through a magnifying glass at a cross stitch pattern she's working on. I'm a lucky guy in lots of ways.
There are several other friends and relatives in my life that I can completely trust. I'm finding out that lots of people don't have anybody they can trust in their lives, and I don't know how they get from one day to another...not really trusting anybody.
The late, great, Johnny Carson did a TV show called, Who Do You Trust. Married pairs of contestants were asked to answer some questions. The husband decided which one would answer. Right there you can see that was back in the old black and white TV days. You'd need a staff of divorce lawyers right there in the studio if you tried that these days. And you can't necessarily trust experts today either.
I explained the word expert a while ago, but if you missed it, the word ex refers to something you had, like an ex husband or wife...and the word pert means lively and perky. So an ex pert is simply one who used to be lively and perky... not necessarialy so much now.