Previous Episode: The Look With Cower-Power
Next Episode: She Said NOTHING!

My life has always had an odd a piece in a jigsaw puzzle. It sometimes takes sudden zig-zag turns when I least expect it. I like it that way. I'm never bored. And every time my life zigs, I can depend that my Lady Wonder Wench will be "The One" to help me make it through the next zag. I'm not a religious guy. But sometimes, when I think about that, I have to take a quick deep breath, and when I exhale, something comes out that sounds a lot like a very quiet..."Thank You."
This podcast has kind of an odd shape too. It's mostly for fun, and to enjoy a conversation with some good few, you mighty, you proud, podcast, participants. It's like I am the mouth, and you are the ear. But sometimes that gets turned around. Sometimes, like tonight, it's you who bring up some industrial strength questions. Like...what happens when you think you've found, "The One," and she or he...walks out of your life. Can you ever get over that? And maybe most important, will you ever be able to trust take a chance...that someone else might really be..."The One."