Previous Episode: The Dark Age

Thanks for dropping in here on my podcast. I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, and I like having your company. I mean I like having your company in the personal sense, I'm not into taking over companies...corporate takeovers...because I don't like vicious things.
I don't like big vicious things like bad guys doing awful things in the middle east, trying to stretch a pay check that isn't big enough to cover everything, and maybe the bad medical test results lots of people have to deal with. I don't like little vicious things Mondays...What a vicious way to spend 1/7th of your life, trying to cut a bagel in half without cutting your hand, figuring out who's supposed to go first at a 4 way stop's usually the guy with the most dents in his fenders...and don't you hate the damn mosquito that sneaks into your bedroom and buzzes your ear all night...why didn't Noah swat those two original mosquitoes when he had the chance.
And speaking of small vicious things, there's always contacting the "system administrator" for permission to do something on my home computer. My computer knows that I have no idea who my system administrator is. And it's bad enough when my home computer makes fun of me like that...the computer in my airplane did it to me last week. All of a sudden the airplane computer blew out the GPS map WHILE I WAS using it to FLY HOME. It put up a screen that said, "Do not turn off your computer. We are updating your data base..." Then the map went blank. Vicious. I was not only going to turn it off, I was going to toss it out the window, and I was at about 7000 feet...trying to fly home but it didn't care. It was going to up-date itself even if that meant I was going to fly around in circles.
They say computers can answer in a few seconds math questions that would take humans millions of years to figure out. BS. You know how I think computers do that? They just make the answers up.