Previous Episode: Puberty
Next Episode: Hanging On To Some Stuff

I am sitting here in my big, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room quietly overcoming my toxic masculinity. Seriously. Duke University and Ithaca College are just two of a whole sclunge of institutions of higher learning that are proving that some ideas are so silly, that only intellectuals with Phds will believe them. They are running courses and workshops devoted to curbing what they call Toxic Masculinity. They haven't the slightest idea of what they're talking about.
They obviously don't understand the simple but classic effects of testosterone. They don't understand that testosterone makes a guy has to make believe he never needs any help. Directions are help. That's why he never reads them. A guy has to believe he can fix anything. Maybe not this instant, but...soon. He must never go to a therapist or a doctor unless he can be clinically proven that he has been dead for at least a year. "No sense going to a hospital, dear. I don't seem to be in a coma right now." Dumb right? Yes. But toxic? No. Just testosterone.