Previous Episode: Do You
Next Episode: Mano-A-Mouse-O Again

I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, black leather pappa chair in my living room, trying to figure out how to do a better job of explaining last week's Do You Do You podcast. I don't think I made it clear enough. And it's important to me that I make it clear enough that you really understand. Because I am a big fan of spousal spice. I guess you could call me a spousal Spice Guy. Spousal as in my Lady Wonder Wench. And Spice as in hot.
Some things are so clear, they don't need an explanation. There were orange traffic cones on Rt. 52 today, with a totally un-necessary sign that said, "Construction next 2 miles." Right off hand, the only other explanation for orange traffic cones on the road I could come up with would be, "Psychedelic witches embedded in macadam next two miles."
There are some signs...that should be just as clear...all around us...But it looks like we're not seeing them. And that's what makes me think you might want to remember to Do You. I call them signs of the swift shrinkage of spousal spice.