Previous Episode: Think
Next Episode: We're Not Doomed

In my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot, Big Louie, the head guy of the Louie Louie Generation says "Most of the time we have two reasons for doing anything. A good reason, and the real reason." And I guess he's right. I'm sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room, fondling a new toy that I have wanted for a while, but I couldn't bring myself to get it until I figured out a good reason for buying it.
Look, it's like the first guy who said an apple a day keeps the doctor away, because he liked apples...even though he certainly knew that one onion would do the job very nicely for a week. His good reason was keeping the doctor away. His real reason was that he really just liked apples. We do lots of things like that. That's why you figure it's ok to leave your kid with a baby sitter so you can take a break from your being a parent routine at a night school class that you really enjoy, but you feel terrible and guilty if you leave your kid with a baby sitter to go to a movie you really want to see. Big Louie is right. Most of the time we have to have two reasons for doing anything.