Previous Episode: Don't Worry Be Happy
Next Episode: I Heard From Dad Today

Dick's Details...a bunch of totally un-important stuff for you to stuff in one ear, so you can squeeze the important stuff that's rubbing your wrinkles the wrong way out the other ear, and you can grab a grin.
There was a story in the paper today about a rock group that's upset with an airline. The headline reads: "Smashing Pumpkin sues Virgin." Makes it seem like a modern Cinderella story. If the answer is "He would put it in our pockets" what is the question. The smart guys in the white lab coats tell us that kids 2 to 5 put their hands in their mouths an average of 10 times an hour. That's nothing. Our average politician puts his foot in his mouth a lot more often than that. Mormon leader Brigham Young had 56 kids by 27 wives. No wonder Mormons call him the founding father. I can't help wonder if he got his name from telling whoever supplied his wives, "I don't care how you bring em. Just bring em young. If the answer is "He would put it in our pockets" the question is "What would the average politician do if we gave him a completely free hand." There's a bit in there about doing a poll dance too, but I'll skip it in deference to your delicate sensibilities. Dick's Details. They take your mind off your mind.