"Shazam" is a fake magic word. "Maybe" is a real magic word. You can say "Shazam" till you run out of breath and nothing will happen. You won't get a fancy cape and the ability to fly. But when you say "Maybe" and mean it, just once, your mighty imagination fires up and goes to work. "Maybe" can change everything for you.
I am sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair, looking across the room at my lovely Lady Wonder Wench. She just came out of a shower. She's wearing a towel wrapped around her hair, her soft, blue bathrobe, and her two piece. That's her bedroom slippers...her two piece.
Sometimes she slinks around here wearing just her two piece...and through the years, those have been some of my luckiest, happiest times. We've been together for a long time. And I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky. There were lots of maybes involved. It's like Stephen Hawking said: "The most exciting words in physics aren't ‘Now we know', the most exciting words in physics are "How come?" "How come" is another way of saying "Maybe."
The first answer to my question about how I got so lucky to have her in my life, that comes to my feverish mind is sex. But then I remember that Big Louie, the head guy of the Louie Louie generation always claims that, "Sex is never the answer". Louie says "Sex is often the question. And if you get lucky the answer is sometimes yes."