Previous Episode: I Lied
Next Episode: Alone vs Lonely

Today's Headline: Heartthrob Kit Harrington, the brooding, sword-wielding hero Jon Snow in HBO's Game of Thrones, is fed up with women swooning over him, hearts throbbing like mad. Awww. Let's say it all together guys at the count of 3. 1-2-3...AAwww the poor guy. He says, "It's blatantly sexist." Yes, and I am shocked...shocked I tell you. And not the least bit jealous. Because I'm a real guy.
If you women started spreading some of that excess swooning and throbbing over Kit around to the rest of us guys we wouldn't complain like he does. Because real guys don't complain. We just soldier on...even in the face of such throbbing, festering female ferocity.
But if you're going to pitch in and throb for us too ladies, you can't start too soon. According to the Washington Post, Americans had about 33% less sex last year compared to 1990. And the smart guys in the white lab coats at the University of Pittsburgh say spending too much time on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram seems to be the main reason.
Virtual reality is beating meat reality. Instead of "Your place or mine," It's now "Hey babe...want to peek at my password?" Maybe it's just me, but that sounds as exciting as biting into a chocolate bar that has a leaf of lettuce inside.