Previous Episode: Lady B

I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, black leather poppa chair in my living room. I like being comfortable. Louie-Louie Generation guys have earned the right to be comfortable. That's why I have just changed from my formal black silk and leather cape with the sterling silver clasps, my gold lame loin cloth and matching purple ostrich feather, to these jeans, which have, as the commercial says, "A scosh more room." They go nicely with my "Save The Dinosaurs" tee shirt with the hole under the left armpit, and my stylish, purple orthopedic sweat socks. It's not stylish, but it's me. It's comfortable.
Women like to snuggle with capable, comfortable guys. And Louie-Louie Generation guys are very capable of giving singularly superior snuggles. We will smuggle a snuggle into our lives at every opportunity.