Previous Episode: Tis The 'Tude, Dude
Next Episode: Oh Wow Cecelia

I am sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room, admiring my Lady Wonder Wench's curves. No, not those curves. The curves in her handwriting. She's working on her new novel, and she likes to write in handwriting. Cursive they call it.
It is used almost exclusively by highly evolved human females. My lady wrote a beautiful blog about Cursive just the other day. When she finished it, she closed her computer and gave me a smile like I first saw on the face of the girl who sat in front of me in the 4th grade at St. Gregory's grammar school in Brooklyn.
Her name was Kathleen McMullen. She was very smart. Every time Sister Mary Knucklebuster asked a question, Kathleen raised her hand with the correct answer. I couldn't stand her. She had pigtails. I dipped them in the inkwell every time she leaned back.