Previous Episode: Happy 2016
Next Episode: Think

I have a couple of New Years wishes for you. New Year's wish #1 is "May your troubles this year last as long as your last year's New Year's resolutions." Lots of troubles are caused by simple confusion. For example, I was asking a woman on the phone about the status of an order from Amazon. She was taking a while and she said, "Please bear with me." I was shocked. I said, "I can't bare with YOU...I'm a happily married man." Confusion. I was using my credit card at a drug store, and the machine said "Swipe card." I didn't have to swipe a card, I already had one. More confusion. I saw an ad for a British web site that was selling land on Mars and Venus for 29 Pounds/ acre. They are now probably trying to get the rights to selling the Brooklyn Bridge. Confusion.
A bunch of very bad guys are getting us very confused right now about much more serious stuff. Big Louie, the head guy of the Louie Louie Generation says, "Always speak up, even if your voice is shaking." It's in my book Staying Happy Healthy and Hot. Lots of folks are speaking up to our politicians right now, and their voices are shaking... with fear. Fear creates confusion. The bad guys are making so many people so afraid that they're suffering a confusion contusion. They are so afraid, they don't know what to do. And some of the politicians love it. But Big Louie also says, "What happens isn't as important as what you do about what happens." So at the end of this podcast, I'm going to tell you what I think is the first step about what I think we should do about this confusion contusion.