Previous Episode: Forever Family

I am an attention sponge. We all want a little attention. Some achtung! There are three little words that'll get a lot of guys attention... "My husband's home." That'll do it every time. There are four little words that will also get a guy's attention... "You've got a raise." That statement has several different meanings of course. It means one thing if your smiling boss says it, and it's another thing if your smiling wife or girlfriend says it.
"Once upon a time" are four little words that get lots of everybody's attention. Tell me a story time. Good story tellers always get plenty of attention. Christ was a great story teller. So was Mohammed, Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler, and my mom and dad. Dad used to tell me stories about knights in armor, and "hit in the clutch ballplayers" like Duke Snider. Mom used to read me poem stories like "The Highwayman." I recorded that for my radio show once upon a time, a long time ago. That long ago recording goes like this.