Previous Episode: How Come
Next Episode: Hair On Fire

I've been sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable, black leather poppa chair watching a ball game. One of the things I like best about watching sports is the passion involved. It starts with the National Anthem just before the game begins. I sometimes sing along with the Star Spangled Banner. I do the best I can with the high notes. That gives me a freebie connection with the people who paid to get into the ballpark. I like that connection. It feels like we are passing the passion for the game back and forth. When I sing about the bombs bursting in air, I can almost smell the hot dogs with mustard and 'kraut and taste the cold beer.
Sometimes the military sends a flight of jets over head. That gives me a chill. Pride will do that to a guy. Pride and passion. I'm a pilot and I know how hard it is to fly tight formation like that. The wing man is sometimes only literally inches away from the lead's tailfeathers…and they're doing a zillion MPH. That takes skill and courage. And passion.