Previous Episode: A Summer Night
Next Episode: Thank You

A bunch of guys in powdered wigs and funny hats carrying flintlocks got it right all those years ago. Some of them didn't like each other very much, but they understood the value of E Pluribus Unum. Roughly translated that means "Teamwork." We're yelling at each other a lot these days, but I'm glad to see that we still take time out from screaming to enjoy our fireworks, hot dogs, baseball and beer together. I got a lesson about that a while ago at a baseball game. It was a shot in the gut that made me feel so good, so proud that I wrote about it in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. It happened at a New York Mets game when the PA announcer asked everyone to "stand and honor America, as eight year-old Grace [somebody] sings our national anthem." I don't remember her last name. I wish I did. Because she was amazing.