Previous Episode: The Magic Of Early Summer
Next Episode: A Summer Night

Oh my gosh what I found in the wash! It's an ancient T shirt from my WNBC radio days. It says, "The Dick Summer Holy City Of Brooklyn Stick Ball Championship and Doo Wop Festival Extravaganza!" And it still fits. As a matter of fact it looks a little chesty. I called Brooklyn the "Holy City" because I was born there. "What" you might say "was the Dick Summer Holy City Of Brooklyn Stick Ball Championship and Doo Wop Festival Extravaganza?" And that would be a reasonable question. It was FUN, that's what it was.
See, there was a time when we used to have fun on the radio. We didn't play as many songs as today's radio guys play, because fun takes some time. This particular hunk of fun was exactly what the title says. We made arrangements with the city to use the parking lot at Brooklyn's Riis Park, and we had a free fun day with our listeners. Doo Wop groups from all over town got to sing, and we had a stick ball home run derby. We had all kinds of Brooklyn food. Hot dogs from Nathans, cheese cakes from Juniors...all kinds of good stuff. Oh yeah. We did play a couple of songs too.
I don't hear a lot of fun on the radio any more. With some wonderful exceptions, almost every station I hear has either lots of songs repeated lots of times, or angry talk hosts encouraging everyone to form into mobs, grab stones and throw them at the government.