Previous Episode: Busted
Next Episode: Raggedy Ann Christmas

It's almost time for "Mr. Story Man" to arrive. He's kind of a magic guy. He shows up here every night, dressed in a white fedora hat, wearing a bathrobe that says "Wiz" on the left side, and wearing crazy Caribbean bedroom slippers. My Lady Wonder Wench lets him help her get undressed for bed. I sometimes actually envy him while I'm just sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable, black leather poppa chair. I wish I could get my Lady Wonder wench to think I'm as interesting and sexy as she admits he is when he takes her back to "Once upon a time" with his stories. He only stays for about ten minutes most nights. But those are the ten minutes just before she goes to sleep...the ten minutes before she starts to dream...about once upon a time. And she spends those ten minutes with him.