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Next Episode: Digital Decoy

Valentine's Day is a great excuse for some extra hugging, and kissing, and general fooling around. I have heard that some people get so carried away they even hug the nearest tree. Big Louie, his own bad self, the Chief Mustard Cutter of the Louie-Louie Generation puts that into perspective. He always says, "It's ok to hug a tree. As long as that's as far as it goes."
And at the other extreme are a couple of guys I know who just ignore Valentine's Day. I guess they've just grown up too much to enjoy themselves anymore. And of course, there are quite a few folks who are taking another heavy hit to the heart this Valentine's Day. And unfortunately, it's true that sometimes...the hottest loves end in the coldest words. That's tough.
I've been lucky. The last time that happened to me was with a blonde. Blue eyes. We were in Kindergarten. Her name was Joanie. And she didn't even open my Valentine's Day card. Kind of made me feel like just another sock in the laundromat of life. That was a long time ago, and I've pretty much forgotten all about it. Mostly.