Previous Episode: I Did It AGAIN!

My Lady Wonder Wench wrote a comment on the blog at Dick Summer dot com about the fact that I forgot our wedding anniversary again this year.
She said, "My Louie-Louie Lad remembers me all the time...with jelly beans, and daffodils, and holding hands, and laughing at silly jokes, and bedtime stories. Don't get me wrong, I love getting jewelry and candy and flowers and fancy dinners and marvelous blouses from very fancy shops. But I love my Louie-Louie Lad more."
That's the kind of thing that will make a Louie-Louie Generation guy like me stand up very straight, and look her right in the eyes, and kiss her face until my fillings melt. She slips sexy notes into my shirt pockets. She plays with me, and laughs. She makes me feel powerful, because she lets me make her feel beautiful. I am some kind of lucky guy.