Previous Episode: Valentine's Day

You've got to work with what you've got. So when you hear my Lady Wonder Wench's new TV commercial, remember that's only her, "What-is-the-matter-with-you" voice when she's saying, "Is there anybody there ?" That one voice does not describe what type of woman she is. She is not a type. She is a person.
She has lots of other voices. Her "mommy" voice, her "Honey do" voice, her "Dealing with the telemarketer" voice. And of course her "I'm your girlfriend voice." BUT...unfortunately for you, although I am not the jealous husband, killer, stomp on you type...because I am also a person...not a type...but sorry're going to have to work with what you've got. And you are not going to hear her "I am your girlfriend" voice. Because, that's what I've got to work with.